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Canine Massage for Peak Performance, enhancing your dog's health & physical well-being

No matter how careful we owners are, our dogs are bound to sustain injuries in their lifetimes. There will be slight bruising or muscle strain; and for some, more serious physical traumas. The causes can be as widely varied as the injuries. There are day-to-day causes — like energetic play, or jumping too enthusiastically off of your deck. Other conditions develop over time, from repetitive movements like jumping and twisting associated with canine sports; or from something as common as pulling on lead. Inactivity can also be detrimental, causing atrophy, loss of tone and poor circulation. Even  after it has been treated and appears to be healed, your dog may continue to suffer from an injury.  Some longterm effects, which generally go untreated, include reduced flexibility, poor posture and movement, even an imbalance in blood circulation. Over time, these residual effects can cause a decline in overall health and well-being. Wellness Massage addresses both original and residual  injuries. The technique enhances and improves the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the animal.  It can aid the canine athlete, or elevate the spirits of an elderly dog. Even healthy dogs benefit from wellness massage, which enhances abilities and increases longevity.

Soothing St r e s s an d Sor e Mus c l e s

Playing ball, wrestling with canine pals, jumping on and off of furniture or steps, digging, running — normal daily behavior, are all stressors for your dog. So are the activities associated with competition obedience , agility, flyball, carting, herding, conformation, and other canine sports.  Whether competitor or couch potato, all  dogs experience physical stressors. The impact they have can be instantaneous, and obvious, or accumulated and less obvious. Either way, your dog winds up with sore aching muscles, twisted joints, and sometimes more serious injury. Canine massage helps reduce the impact of physical stressors. It loosens tight muscles, improves range of motion, restores proper tone and decreases pain.

He a l ing Hidden “Hu r t s ”

Dogs disguise their pain, and keep poor health hidden — an instinct that carries over from canines in the wild. Since they do not show their discomfort, we remain unaware of physical problems. Our dogs accept gradual and increasing pain from negative physical changes without complaint. Finally, when the discomfort is considerable, they display signs of hurting. The signs may be subtle, such as refusing a command or slower response times; or they may be more obvious, such as limping, major changes in behavior or outright refusal to jump up onto the couch with you.  Regular massage sessions can help you identify your dog’s physical ailments, and, subsequently, help alleviate them. But more important, regularly working your dog’s muscles through massage, can be an important preventive measure. The physical benefits are considerable, even if your dog appears to be healthy and injury-free.

“Big Pi c tur e ” Ben e f i t s

Canine massage aids the body in the following ways:

Helps open blood vessels, which improves circulation and remove waste and toxins that may make your dog sick.

• Improves circulation and nutrition of joints and connective tissue.

• Stimulates and accelerates the lymphatic system.

• Eases the strain of inactivity and prevents or delays muscular atrophy resulting from forced inactivity.

• Increases body awareness, releases tensions and provides structural as well as emotional support.

• Simulates skin and coat.

• Restores proper muscle tone, relieves tight, constricted muscles, helps alleviate pain, improves range of motion.

• Stimulates growth hormones in puppies,

and serves as a slight stressor, valuable in the socialization process.

Note: While the physical benefits are outstanding, canine massage is never a substitute for licensed veterinary care.

 More information on Canine Massage will follow.  Until them you are welcome to reach me at for information on Sponsored Locations, private appointments, rates and the benefits of Masage for your pet.

Elaine Shoe-Ezell, Canine Massage Provider, graduated from the Lang Institute for Canine Massage, LLC in Loveland, Colorado. She is an American Kennel Club Canine Ambassador; founder of TheraPet; a Public Education Coordinator for GSGRC; an American Kennel Club CGC Evaluator; and a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. In addition, she has 20 years experience breeding and training dogs.

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